姓H-Q: Lauranne阿德里亚诺
姓R-Z: 瑞恩•休斯
事业成功主任 & 从实践经验中学习
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Dwayne于2019年7月加入网赌平台网站,担任职业参与执行主任. 2023年8月, he was promoted as the College’s first Dean of Career Success and 从实践经验中学习 within the Division of Academic Affairs. He is a nationally recognized educator and career strategist with over 15 years of experience in higher education. He is an advocate for a liberal arts education and a thought leader on how to position liberal arts academic programs as a solution to labor market needs and prepare graduates of those programs for the careers of today and tomorrow.
作为职业成功和体验式学习的院长, he oversees New College’s strategic and innovative vision for career success which includes an integration of career preparation into the academic curriculum as a personalized four-year developmental plan. 他领导多个部门,包括首席执行官(职业发展和教练), 雇主关系和工作学习, 奖学金及奖学金, 指导, micro-credentialing, 健康前项目和咨询), 法学预科项目, 全球教育/出国留学. 作为一个集体单位, Career Success and 从实践经验中学习 aims to prepare all students for their future through a uniquely coordinated effort that develops professional early career pathways and scales career readiness.
经过认证的职业发展促进者, Dwayne持有北佛罗里达大学工商管理硕士学位, 获得迈阿密大学大学生人事学硕士学位, 并获得南佛罗里达大学音乐研究文学学士学位. Dwayne represents New College as a member of the Florida Career Centers consortium and currently serves on the Board of Directors for 佛罗里达大学和雇主协会. 他也是美国大学和雇主协会(NACE)的活跃成员。, 全国职业发展协会(NCDA), 萨拉索塔-海牛人力资源协会(SHRA).
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Maddie joined 网赌平台网站 in September 2018 as an 副主任 and 职业教练 and was promoted into her role as the Associate Director of Employer Relations and Work-Based Learning in June 2022.
Maddie is a nationally recognized educator with experience at multiple higher education institutions and non-profit organizations with focus areas including career education and employer relations, 全球教育, 领导力发展, 普通阅读经验, 服务学习和社区参与. She specializes in partnering with faculty to integrate work-based learning and internships into academic programs. She serves as the campus point of contact and a consultant to community partners and employers developing internship programs/positions and recruiting from New College’s campus. 熟练的职业教练, 麦迪热衷于帮助学生成为自己职业规划的积极推动者.
麦迪的成绩是B.A. 佛罗里达湾海岸大学戏剧与性别研究辅修交流专业, 和一个M.Ed. in Higher Education Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in College Student Affairs from the University of South Florida. 她是美国大学和雇主协会(NACE)的活跃成员。, 佛罗里达大学和雇主协会, 和合作教育实习协会(CEIA), and recently presented at all three 2021 annual conferences about innovative internship and career education models.
副主任 & 职业教练
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艾莉于2023年1月加入网赌平台网站CEO团队. 埃莉热衷于帮助学生实现并充分发挥他们的潜力. 从记事起,她就一直和不同年龄的人一起工作. Ellie is excited to work alongside students as they navigate their ever-changing career goals in this dynamic world. 在她的职位上,她领导首席执行官的指导和同行咨询项目.
埃莉拥有维克森林大学社会学学士学位和理学硕士学位.Ed. 范德比尔特大学的学校咨询师. She credits these experiences as truly what paved her way towards giving back to causes greater than herself. Her diverse professional background includes professional experience as a school counselor as well as various roles in nonprofits including AmeriCorps and as a College and Career Advisor for the Boys and Girls Clubs of 萨拉索塔 and Desoto Counties.
国家认证咨询师, 艾莉是美国咨询师协会(ACA)的活跃成员。, 佛罗里达大学和雇主协会, 以及全国大学和雇主协会(NACE).
实习项目助理主任 & 职业教练
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Sam joined the New College CEO team in January 2023 as the 办公室 and 招聘服务 Coordinator and was promoted to 副主任 in June 2023. 她的学位是B.A. 拉斯维加斯内华达大学历史系毕业. 她以前是一名小学教育工作者,有学生生活的背景, 活动策划, 人力资源. Her goal is for everyone who enters and leaves the CEO to feel supported when it comes to their involvement in the success of NCF students.
在她的角色中, Sam is a career coach and leads internship programs including the award-winning Community-Driven Internship Program, which drives the local economy by funding internship experiences at nonprofits for New College students. 认证职业服务提供商(CCSP), Sam is active member of 佛罗里达大学和雇主协会 以及全国大学和雇主协会(NACE).
副主任 & 职业教练
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Ryan于2023年8月加入New College CEO团队. 他是佛罗里达人,终身学习者,致力于帮助学生充分发挥他们的潜力. Ryan began his academic career at the University of South Florida where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Finance, 大学学生事务教育硕士学位, 以及高等教育管理教育专家. 在他的高等教育生涯中, 他曾在招生等多个领域担任职务, 学术顾问, 现在说说职业发展. 赖安喜欢在海滩或水上度过闲暇时光, 在萨拉索塔地区听现场音乐, 看宝莱坞电影.
一个国家认证的职业服务提供商, 瑞安指导学生,并领导研究生院的咨询项目, 与教师的课堂演讲, 和micro-credentialing. 他是佛罗里达大学和雇主协会(FloridaACE)的活跃成员。, 全国学术咨询协会, 以及全国大学和雇主协会(NACE).
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劳伦娜·阿德里亚诺于2023年8月加入该公司,担任职业教练. A recent transplant to Florida from New Jersey where she earned her Master of Education in Higher Education Administration from Rowan University (Glassboro, 新泽西州)和圣约瑟夫大学(费城)历史文学学士学位, 宾夕法尼亚州). 她的高等教育经历包括住宿学习和大学住宿, 财务主管办公室和学生院长办公室作为学生弹性协调员.
Lauranne带来了多方面的专业经验,包括人身伤害律师助理, 大卖场及精品零售管理, 公共关系, 同时也是工业服务行业的小企业主.
一个国家认证的职业服务提供商, Lauranne希望帮助学生利用他们的经验和可转移的技能, 进入一个有回报的职业,在那里他们将继续发展和茁壮成长. She is an active member of 佛罗里达大学和雇主协会 以及全国大学和雇主协会(NACE).
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玛雅于2022年4月加入网赌平台网站首席执行官团队,担任接待员. 她有三年多的销售经验, 管理, 以及办公室助理经验, 最近与TeBella Tea Company和PaperSource合作. 她目前正在佛罗里达州立大学攻读学位. 玛雅问候和协助学生,招聘人员,教师,和其他CEO客人.
首席执行官办公室协调员 & 招聘服务 & 全球教育
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之前在网赌平台网站任职, 席亚拉苏亚雷斯 returned to the campus in September 2023 as the Coordinator of 办公室 and 招聘服务 in the CEO as well as the Coordinator in the 办公室 of 全球教育. 在CEO身上, Ciara负责前台业务, 客户服务措施, 以及为雇主提供招聘服务. 在全球教育办公室, Ciara coordinates study abroad and domestic exchange programs and advises students on how to include global engagement in their academic experience. 她也是职业成功和体验式学习各部门的财务联络员.
她的学位是B.A. 他是南佛罗里达大学心理学专业的硕士.A. 亚当斯州立大学临床心理健康咨询专业. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Board Certified Coach with experience in career development, 训练, 以及高等教育和非营利组织的咨询. She is dedicated to supporting students as they navigate their collegiate journey and work toward their personal and professional goals. She is an active member of 佛罗里达大学和雇主协会 以及全国大学和雇主协会(NACE).
学生职业助理是帮助学生实现职业目标的同侪顾问. 他们教授职业发展主题,并为学生领导职业规划.
- 达利亚·麦克劳德,4岁th 年度,社会科学AOC
- 安妮·麦卡利斯特,4岁th 化学AOC/医学预科
- Sunjay Hopkins, 2岁nd 年份,历史
辅导计划学生协调员 facilitate programs that help connect students to 指导 and networks through partnerships with alumni and New College supporters.
- 达利亚·麦克劳德,4岁th 年度,社会科学AOC
招聘人员关系和实习助理 support employers and internship partners as they recruit from New College.
- Chiara Cervoni, 2岁nd 年,心理学AOC/医学预科
- 艾比·纳尔逊,1岁st 艺术/艺术史AOC年度
- 艾玛·艾弗森,1岁st 生物学/神经科学AOC/医学预科
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